Earthquake Simulation Exercise for Thimphu Thromde on 10th November, 2018

This is to notify the general public that Thimphu Thromde in collaboration with the Department of Disaster Management and Save the Children through ECHO funding will be conducting an Earthquake Simulation Exercise for Thimphu Thromde on 10th of November between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

The Exercise will comprise simulation of fire outbreaks, roadblocks and collapse of buildings requiring Search and Rescue, Medical Emergency, Traffic and Fire Fighting Response Services in Norzin and Babesa Demkhongs.

The general public is requested not to panic and to cooperate with the crowd control and traffic teams. The purpose of this simulation exercise is to inform and educate the general public as well as to test preparedness levels of Thimphu Thromde and the responding agencies.

Please bear with any inconveniences caused as a result of this simulation exercise.

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