1. BHUTAN-Disaster Risk Management Status Review |
2. Contingency Planning Guideline |
3. Disaster Management Act of Bhutan 2013 |
4. Disaster Management Planning Guideline |
5. Disaster Management Rules and Regulation 2014 |
6. Environmental Management Framework For Bhutan: Improving Resilience to Seismic Risk. |
7. Final Quality Based Survey Report for GLOF |
8. Guideline on Proper Construction Practices for Non-Engineered Buildings. |
9. Initial Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital: Thimphu, Bhutan |
10. Materials for Annual School Preparedness Drill |
11. National Action Plan for Earthquake Safety of Health Facilities |
12. National Action Plan for School Earthquake Safety |
13. National Disaster Risk Management Framework (2004). |
14. National Disaster Risk Management Strategy (DRMS-2017) |
15. National Recovery and Reconstruction Plan, 2009 |
16. National Recovery and Reconstruction Plan, 2011 |
17. Non-Structural (Falling Hazards) Mitigation Manual |
18. Operational Guidelines for Disaster Financing |
19. Outcome Evaluation of Disaster Risk Management Programme in Bhutan |
20. September 21, 2009 Earthquake Joint Rapid Assessment for Recovery, Reconstruction and Risk Reduction |
21. The Environment and Social Management Plan for the Planning, Design and Supervision of National Emergency Operation Center Construction |
22. Final ICS Paper |
23. Final Covid-19 Command System |