Inter-Ministerial Task Force(IMTF) Members
In line with Section 49 of the Disaster Management Act of Bhutan 2013 and in accordance with the decisions of the 5th National Disaster Management Authority meeting, the Department of Disaster Management is pleased to inform the institution of the Inter-Ministerial Task Force (IMTF) comprising of members from various relevant agencies on 3rd July, 2018.
The IMTF shall vet, review, advise and provide technical recommendations on Rules and Regulations, hazard zonation, vulnerability maps, national standards, guidelines, Standard Operating Procedures, development of Critical Disaster Management Facilities, structural and non-structural mitigation measures and all disaster management proposals. The IMTF shall convene as and when important matters related to the aforementioned subjects emerge.
The department would like to inform all the agencies to refer such any document that you are developing in the sphere of disaster management for proper vetting, review and recommendation by the IMTF. The NDMA approval shall be contingent on fulfilling the IMTF review and advisory processes as provisioned under the law.